
2012 Cosplay Charity Calendar

It is nearly the end of 2011 (yipe! How did that happen?) which means only one thing… you need a 2012 Calendar!

Well, how about the 2012 FutureCon Charity Cosplay Calendar – “Women of Valour”?

Why should you buy it? ‘Cause there are beautiful, brave, kick-butt geek ladies all over it!

And… ‘Cause I’m Miss November!

I'mma gonna sonic you!

FutureCon is a New Years Eve convention whose many year-round events support Epilepsy Toronto, a charity dedicated to epilepsy awareness and support endeavours in the Greater Toronto Area.

Have I convinced you? Pre-order the Calendar HERE.


(This is not necessarily the final image that will be in the Calendar. Photo by Krissy Meyers. Costume by Kenneth Shelley. Accessories by J.M. Frey)

JM Frey2012 Cosplay Charity Calendar