
Publishers Weekly Best Books of 2011 in SF/F/Hr

Wow. WOW.

My friends, “Triptych” is on a list.

And not just any list. “Triptych” has been named one of Publishers Weekly’s Best Books of 2011 in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.

Rose Fox says:

Triptych by J.M. Frey — This book has aliens, time travel, queer polyamorous romance that feels absolutely real, loss and grief and soldiering on, languages, family… in short, it was written for me. I haven’t felt this loved and acknowledged by a book in a very long time.

You’re very welcome, Rose Fox. I wrote the book for the exact same reason.

Congratulations to my fellow listees:

Maureen McHugh’s collection After the Apocalypse
Zoo City by Lauren Beukes
Unpossible by Daryl Gregory
Two Worlds and In Between: The Best of Caitlín R. Kiernan, Vol. 1 by Caitlín R. Kiernan
Erekos by A.M. Tuomala

Rose Fox also adds:

Those paying attention will note that six out of six of these titles were put out by ambitious, daring small outfits. I hope a lot of people are paying attention. Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to Small Beer, Angry Robot, Dragon Moon, Fairwood, Subterranean, and Candlemark & Gleam for taking chances on these extraordinary books.

I could not agree more! The small press scene is amazing, and it is incredible to see the challenges they face and the way they rise to meet them, the chances they’re willing to take, and the courage they have to forge forward and drag genre into a fantastic and frighteningly new future. There are big things on the horizon, folks.

So, thank you to Rose Fox for choosing the book. Thank you to Publishers Weekly for the fine review. Thank you to Gwen Gaddes and Dragon Moon Press for taking a chance on my weird , cross-genre grief-filled little book. Thank you to Gabrielle Harbowy for championing the book the DMP, and forcing me to make the hard choices during revisions.

Thank you to Evan J. Gregory for not letting me rest on my laurels.

Thank you to the Miss Snark’s First Victim community and Authoress Anonymous for all their great feedback and advice. Thank you to my many beta readers, whose names I would never be able to list here in their entirety, but include Stephanie, Ken, Jay, Michelle, Chris, and Karen (a LOT of people read the book over the four years I was working on it). Thank you to Silverthought Press, who bought the novella that Triptych evolved out of. Thank you to Helen and Liz, my NaNoWriMo buddies the year that said novella was born. Thank you to my parents and brothers for always being supportive of my creative urges. Thank you to the friends, family, and fans who came out to the launch part at Ad Astra 2011.

And most of all my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has reviewed, supported, and bought a copy of Triptych. Thank you to Ad Astra, Polaris, CAN*CON, FanExpo, Canadian National Steampunk Expo, FutureCon, and SFContario for inviting me to pimp my work at your conventions. Thank you to the book bloggers, the teacher librarians, the students writing book reports. Thank you to the fans at conventions, the cosplayers, the Steampunk Society, the people who come to my panels and listen to my podcasts. Thank you to the people who read my blog, follow me on Twitter, and friend me on Facebook. Thank you to my tireless online cheerleaders (Leah Petersen and Liana K. being the unofficial co-captains). Thank you to Irith, for being my unofficial marketing coach, happy to accept dinner in payment for her precious gems of advice. Thank you especially fellow authors whom I count among my friends, whether I know you in person, through conventions, or only through a computer screen.

Thank you, everyone, for falling as in love with Kalp as I am. And for cheering with him. And mourning with him. And mourning for him.

Thank YOU.


JM FreyPublishers Weekly Best Books of 2011 in SF/F/Hr


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  • Leah Petersen - November 8, 2011


  • Marie Bilodeau - November 9, 2011

    Congrats! I toast your success and can’t wait to see where else you’ll go! 😀

  • Michael Walsh - November 9, 2011

    “Publisher’s Weekly” is actually Publishers Weekly. A common typo.

  • K.W. Ramsey - November 10, 2011

    Congrats! I’m sure this is just the start of a long list of well received books that will spring forth from your mind.

  • Alicia - November 16, 2011

    I’M so happy for you!! You are completely deserving. Never think anything less.

  • Alanna King (@banana29) - November 18, 2011

    So happy for you, J.M. You deserve it. From a person even on the fringe of the SciFi world, I found that your exploration of heteronormativity through Kalp’s eyes, touched me in places I didn’t know existed. You deserve every success.

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