
Happy Birthday Foreword Literary!

In case you missed it, March 2nd was my agencyForeword Literary’s first birthday! *confetti cannon*

They’re celebrating their paper-less anniversary with some amazing promotions.

For the entire month of March, all of the FastForeword eLights will be free on Smashwords and 99 cents on Amazon. Novel-length FFWD e-books will be 99 cents on Smashwords and $2.99 on Amazon. Other promotions will occur throughout the month. Keep an eye out.

From March 2nd – 8th, the work of FastForeword authors will also be featured in the Read an E-book Week catalog. During this week, our novel-length collections will also be available for free on Smashwords using the coupon code RW100.

Leading off all this promotion will be a new and unique FFWD offering, The Burden of Light. A pay-what-you-want, multimedia-enhanced, Smashwords exclusive with 90 authors involved, it coincides with March as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month by donating 100% of the
proceeds to colon cancer research.

And of course, MY FastForeword eLight
Hero Is A Four Letter Word is also FREE on Smashwords and 99c on Amazon all week!

You can follow Foreword Literary on Tumblr, on Twitter, befriend us and add our books on Goodreads, and find out about the FastForeword program and catalog of amazing ebooks here.

Happy reading!


JM FreyHappy Birthday Foreword Literary!