Want to hear me talk about using science fiction and fantasy to make our lived reality a better place?
Sure you do!
My interview with Corbie Mitleid of Fire Through Spirit is airing on Thurs July 3, 8pm EST , and will be available live-streamed at http://www.empoweradio.com.
Afterword, it will be available on the show’s archive as a podcast, on iheartradio.com, on Stitcher, and iTunes!
Topics covered are:
-Why you can and should read YA, no matter your own age.
-Why cosplay is important in terms of community building, skill building, and helping people discover thier own truths.
-How reading SF/F makes you more open to other cultures and worlds
-How I am a big geeky dork, and how hot Wil Wheaton is.
-Also, I may or may not have given a hint about my next project announcement at the end…