It turns out, in my mad rush to be my regular type A self and make sure I get THE DARK LORD AND THE SEAMSTRESS kickstarter project up and running, I totally forgot to add two perks.
Two really important perks. They’ve been added now.
#1 – At the $35 level, you get:
A personal thank you tweet + your name in the back of the book on the Backers page + Paperback copy of THE DARK LORD AND THE SEAMSTRESS, signed by J.M. Frey.
#2 – at the $200 level, you get:
Personal tweet + Your name listed on the backers page inside the book + eBook of HERO IS A FOUR LETTER WORD + Paperback copy of THE DARK LORD AND THE SEAMSTRESS, signed by J.M. Frey + one of the original interior illustrations, signed by Jennifer Vendrig. (Only 3 available).
Well, now that I’ve cleared up that. *coughs* I’m just going to go, um… sit in the corner with my dunce cap on.
Publishing: no one ever said it would be easy! ^_^