

Skylark Announcement

Skylark - PM Screengrab

About The Books

From the REUTS Press Release:

THE SKYLARK’S SAGA is a three-­book YA WWI alt­history fantasy from author J.M. Frey. Scheduled to release in 2017 from REUTS Publications, The Skylark’s Saga combines the militaristic steampunk of Scott Westerfield’s Leviathan with the espionage of Gail Carriger’s Parasol Protectorate and rebellion of Marie Lu’s Legend ​Trilogy. Suited for a 16+ ​audience, this gripping series features a PoC protagonist and centers on the morality of vigilantism, the burden of power, and what it means for the poor and downtrodden when the nobility play at war.

“The Skylark’s Saga is the story of seventeen ­year ­old Robin Arianhod, a flight mechanic with uncanny luck who’s been raised in the shadow of war. But after unexpectedly becoming the first female Glider pilot, Robin’s luck fails. Targeted by the Coyote, a ruthless enemy dishonorably picking off crippled airships and retreating soldiers, she finds herself shot down and forced to seek shelter behind enemy lines. The only way to survive—and finish her mission—is to don a disguise containing the mystical rocket pack she stole from the Coyote and become the infamous Skylark. Told with Frey’s signature ability to subtly weave social commentary into adventure, The Skylark’s Saga tackles issues of racism, classism, and the grittier side of heroism in a soaring tale that asks readers to look at the morality behind the vigilante.”

The Skylark’s Saga follows The Skylark over three books as she tries to not only end the Saskwayin-Klonn war, but also put paid to the class feud between the Saskwayin Benne and her own people, the traditionally migrant Sealies. All while, of course, trying to figure out the origins of W.I.N.G.S., her wondrous rocket-pack, and to find the true King of Klonn and get his butt back on the throne… before the Coyote corners her into having to take it for herself.


About the Author

J.M. Frey as Thalia on the set of "Ruffus the Dog's Steampunk Adventure!"

J.M. Frey as Thalia on the set of “Rufus the Dog’s Steampunk Adventure!”

J.M. is an actor, voice actor, and SF/F author, fanthropologist and professional geek. She’s appeared in podcasts, documentaries, and on television to discuss all things geeky through the lens of academia. She also has an addiction to scarves, Doctor Who, and tea, which may or may not all be related. She is a Steampunk nerd at heart, best known on the internet for her Steampunk Shadow Cat and Steampunk TARDIS Gown cosplays, and is looking forward to finally being able to stretch her literary WINGS into this aesthetic.

Her debut novel TRIPTYCH was nominated for two Lambda Literary Awards,  won the San Francisco Book Festival award for SF/F, was nominated for a 2011 CBC Bookie, was named one of The Advocate’s Best Overlooked Books of 2011, and garnered both a starred review and a place among the Best Books of 2011 from Publishers Weekly.