


Hey, everyone! So, if you’ve been paying attention to my Books Page, you’ll have noticed that the cover and the purchasing links for my award-winning 2011 science fiction novel TRIPTYCH have vanished. Slowly, over the next few weeks, TRIPTYCH will also be de-listed on sales sites like Amazon, etc. though I do hope that the GoodReads page for the book will remain intact.

Why is TRIPTYCH vanishing?

Well, for a number of reasons that basically boil down to: I didn’t like how the book was being handled. The publisher with which I published the book and I have never agreed on the marketing, the direction, and on important aspects like the cover, and how the book was being described and promoted.

Let me make it clear that publishing with them originally was a delightful experience. I adored working with Gabrielle Harbowy, the editor, and have sought her out for other projects since, will continue to recommend her, and will continue to say yes to anything she invites me to submit to.

The publisher Gwen Gaddes is also a good woman. But our visions and views don’t match at all, and after several years of trying to convince her to change the cover and marketing direction for TRIPTYCH, it was decided that it would be best for all involved if we simply parted ways.

I thank DMP, Gwen, and Gabrielle for offering me my first publishing contract and being there with me for my debut novel, and the rollercoaster of all the award ceremonies, incredibly bogglingly stellar reviews and accolades, as well as the epic flaming troll reviews.

But it’s time to for TRIPTYCH to get a fresh start elsewhere.

Stay tuned for news on where and when the novel will be available again.

JM FreyTRIPTYCH – Hiatus