Where to find me at FanExpo Canada 2019.
Table: I’ll be selling and signing books alongside the Toronto Steampunk Society in the Community area of the convention. Find me under the escalators!
Steampunk Writer’s Collective
1:00 pm in ROOM 717
Join local steampunk Authors Rebecca Diem, JM Frey, MJ Lyons and Editor Dominik Parisien as they answer questions and discussing bring steampunk worlds to life on the printed page. Get tips on bringing your own work to life.
Down the Rabbit Hole: Researching and Building New Worlds
5:00 pm in ROOM 701B
Every world an author creates is important, regardless of genre, era, or location. Being able to see, smell and touch that world makes for a better experience for the reader. Developing that world requires a special attention to detail. This panel will explore the different ways authors construct engaging and believable environments that make the reader want to be right beside the character. In partnership with the Toronto International Festival of Authors