A Woman of the Sea

TIME AND TIDE: “14 Canadian romance books to swoon over this Valentine’s Day”

TIME AND TIDE: “14 Canadian romance books to swoon over this Valentine’s Day”

Well now, if this isn’t just the sweetest Valentine to find in my mailbox this morning!

Even better, I’m on this list with my fabulous friend Rose Sutherland, and two authors I interviewed at the Toronto International Festival of Authors: Jackie Lau and Lily Chu.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone—from my heart to yours!

(And don’t forget, if you’re in the Toronto area and feel like braving the snowfall, I’ll be signing Time and Tide at Hopeless Romantic Books tomorrow, from 2pm onwards. I have red velvet cookies!)


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JM FreyTIME AND TIDE: “14 Canadian romance books to swoon over this Valentine’s Day”
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TIME AND TIDE: New York Times Best Romances of 2024 List

TIME AND TIDE: New York Times Best Romances of 2024 List

TIME AND TIDE has been named one of The New York Times’ Best Romance Books of 2024.

I am still breathless with shock and delight. 💜

From the article b

“A critic’s best-of list is on some level a confession: You can deduce a lot about my year from the stories I found solace in. So in addition to the expected delights of this year’s romances — lush historical eras, dazzling space battles, scenes of love triumphant — there’s a resonant thread of grief running through the fractured timelines, vengeful heroines, and small-scale victories of the books below.

Time travel and time-slips are coming back into vogue and two novels really stood out for me, to the point where I couldn’t choose between them. […] Time and Tide sends a modern disaster bi back in time to meet an authoress bound by the homophobic social taboos of Austen’s England. Bradley’s book is sci-fi dystopia, while Frey’s curtsies to the bonkers, bodice-ripping yarns of Johanna Lindsey and Bertrice Small. But both stories fascinate by committing to the idea that chronological dislocation is a kind of violence, and not being afraid to get a little messy about it.”


JM FreyTIME AND TIDE: New York Times Best Romances of 2024 List
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AUTHOR INTERVIEW: In Conversation with Kacey Sophia

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: In Conversation with Kacey Sophia

Kacey Sophia ((@authorkaceysophia) and I talk reviews, the inspiration behind “Time and Tide” and “Nine-Tenths”, trying to find an agent in the middle of the post-pandemic chaos that is publishing, figuring out your own marketing, and the benefits of publishing to Wattpad.


I didn’t realize how … CLOSE cropped the image would be. I swear I was perfectly framed in my own window.

Can you see the moments when I …
-Realize you can see my lamp reflected in my glasses?
-When I pour myself more coffee?
-When I notice that my still-drying hair is curling wonkily?

JM FreyAUTHOR INTERVIEW: In Conversation with Kacey Sophia
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TIME AND TIDE: Preorders Now Available

TIME AND TIDE: Preorders Now Available


You can now pre-order TIME AND TIDE! If you buy the book now, it will arrive on your doorstep or pick-up bookstore on the day it drops!

I am both very excited and very nervous. I hope you guys like it.

Click here to buy it directly from my publisher, Penguin Random House Canada / W by Wattpad Books, or visit this page for more options. Of course, I will always encourage you to support your local independent bookstore, so head on in to the shop and pre-order the book directly with them, and I know you’ll be their fave customer that day.

JM FreyTIME AND TIDE: Preorders Now Available
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ARCS Now Available

ARCS Now Available

Releases November 2024.

Exciting news: the eGalley is up on NetGalley and Edelweiss! This means, with the promise of an honest review, you could potentially read the book right now. However, if you’re not interested in an ARC, you can preorder your Copy Here.


Historical fiction with a touch of time travel, for fans of Diana Gabaldon, Alexis Hall, and Olivia Waite’s Feminine Pursuits series, where a modern bisexual woman is thrown into Regency England and must figure out how to survive, while she falls in love with a woman who will become a famous author.

Just a twenty-first century gal with nineteenth-century problems…

When Sam’s plane crashes catastrophically over the Atlantic, it defies all odds for Sam to be the sole survivor. But it seems impossible that she’s rescued by a warship in 1805. With a dashing sea captain as her guide, she begins to find her footing in a world she’d only seen in movies.

Then Sam is betrayed. At the mercy of the men and morals of the time, and without the means to survive on her own, she’s left with no choice but to throw herself on the charity of the captain’s sisters. She resigns herself to a quiet life of forever hiding her true self. What she doesn’t expect is that her new landlady is Margaret Goodenough—the world-famous author whose yet-to-be-completed novel will contain the first lesbian kiss in the history of British Literature, and a clever woman. Clever enough to know her new companion has a secret.

As the two women grow ever closer, Sam must tread the tenuous line between finding her own happiness in a place where she doesn’t think she’ll ever fit in, and possibly (accidentally) changing the course of history.

JM FreyARCS Now Available
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