
AUTHOR INTERVIEW: In Conversation with Kacey Sophia

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: In Conversation with Kacey Sophia

Kacey Sophia ((@authorkaceysophia) and I talk reviews, the inspiration behind “Time and Tide” and “Nine-Tenths”, trying to find an agent in the middle of the post-pandemic chaos that is publishing, figuring out your own marketing, and the benefits of publishing to Wattpad.


I didn’t realize how … CLOSE cropped the image would be. I swear I was perfectly framed in my own window.

Can you see the moments when I …
-Realize you can see my lamp reflected in my glasses?
-When I pour myself more coffee?
-When I notice that my still-drying hair is curling wonkily?

JM FreyAUTHOR INTERVIEW: In Conversation with Kacey Sophia
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INTERVIEW: “So… I’m Writing a Novel”

INTERVIEW: “So… I’m Writing a Novel”

I was interviewed by the kind and extremely articulate Oliver Brakenbury of the “So… I’m Writing A Novel” podcast, and you can listen to the whole episode here!

Episode Description
(From Spotify)

Oliver has a long, highly informative chat with author, actor, and voice actor J.M. Frey about her experiences as a writer, including what happens when your book grows to around the 200K word mark, self-publishing, the challenges of author exhaustion (incl. frank discussion of how the economics of publishing deals have evolved), when she received her first piece of fan art based on her work, and more! Jess is terribly knowledgeable, and we strongly recommend you check out her site not only for all the great advice it contains, but also to study how Jess presents herself online.

JM FreyINTERVIEW: “So… I’m Writing a Novel”
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WORDS FOR WRITERS – In Conversation with Kisa Whipkey – Part II

WORDS FOR WRITERS – In Conversation with Kisa Whipkey – Part II

J.M. Frey, author of THE SKYLARK’S SAGA, in conversation with series editor Kisa Whipkey. Join them as they discuss how the series was first acquired, the decision to split the first book in two, and why they love “enemies to lovers” and slow world-building so much. Warning – contains spoilers for book one of the saga.

 About the books:

The Skylark’s Saga

A Saskwyan flight mechanic with uncanny luck, seventeen-year-old Robin Arianhod grew up in the shadow of a decade-long war. But the skies are stalked by the Coyote—a ruthless Klonn pilot who picks off crippled airships and retreating soldiers. And as the only person to have survived an aerial dance with Saskwya’s greatest scourge, Robin has earned his attention. As a Pilot, Robin is good. But the Coyote is better. When he shoots her down and takes her prisoner, Robin finds herself locked into a new kind of dance. The possibility of genuine affection from a man who should be her enemy has left her with a choice: accept the Coyote’s offer of freedom and romance in exchange for repairing a strange rocket pack that could spell Saskwya’s defeat, but become a traitor to her county. Or betray her own heart and escape. If she takes the rocket pack and flees, she could end the war from the inside.

 About Kisa Whipkey:


Kisa Whipkey is a dark fantasy author, a martial arts demo team expert, and a complete sucker for Cadbury Mini-eggs. She’s also the Acquisitions & Editorial Director for YA/NA publisher, REUTS Publications. She developed a passion for storytelling at a young age and has pursued that love through animation, writing, video game design, and demo teams until finally finding her home in editing. She believes in good storytelling, regardless of medium, and applauds anything featuring a snarky lead character, a complicated narrative structure, and brilliant/uncommon analogies. Currently, she lives in the soggy Pacific Northwest with her husband and plethora of electronics.

 About J.M.Frey:

J.M. Frey – Author, Screenwriter & Fanthropologist

J.M. is an author, screenwriter, and professional smartypants. With an MA in Communications and Culture, she’s appeared in podcasts, documentaries, and on radio and television to discuss all things geeky through the lens of academia. She also has an addiction to scarves, Doctor Who, and tea, which may or may not all be related. Her life’s ambition is to have stepped foot on every continent (only 3 left!)

 Music: “Creative Minds” by Bensound (Royalty Free) –


You can find more WORDS FOR WRITERS here.

JM FreyWORDS FOR WRITERS – In Conversation with Kisa Whipkey – Part II
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