This page will be updated with video interviews and appearances as they are released. Enjoy!

Follow my YouTube Channel, or look for something specific below:


I play a secondary character in a webseries called LESlieVILLE. Click here to watch episodes and find out more about the show.


The Space Channel’s Doctor Who Series 5 finale Live Discussion Panel (Saturday July 24, 2010)

An interview with Toronto Nerd Mafia member GEEK HARD

Doctor Holocaust talks up Triptych in his Friday Questions video

An interview with Nerd Girl Pin Ups about Triptych


I discuss writing and “The Friday Society” with author Adrienne Kress for Nerd Girl Pin Ups


Interviewed about Cons and SciFi by Katie Uhlmann of THT at the 2011 Constellation Awards and Triptych

Interviewed about Cons and SciFi by Katie Uhlmann of THT at the 2010 Constellation Awards

Film and Documentaries
The Trailer for Leaving Mundania, a refreshingly non-stereotyping documentary about Cosplaying (academic expert)

Leaving Mundania [Documentary Trailer] from Jiro C. Okada on Vimeo.

Leaving Mundania excerpt:

Leaving Mundania [excerpt] from Jiro C. Okada on Vimeo.

The Trailer for “The Maud Squad: One Year In the Life Of Kindred Spirits”, which celebrates Anne of Green Gables fans and the 100 year anniversary of the book’s publication. I was interviewed while playing Anne at the Ryerson University Symposium.

“The Maud Squad” Trailer from Lisa Lightbourn-Lay on Vimeo.

Doctor Who showrunner and writer Steven Moffat answers questions (including one of mine) at a Skype interview with SPACE’s Channel’s Ajay Fry and Teddy Wilson.

Where Is Torchwood 4?
Created as a spoof for the Whoniversal Appeal academic confrence in Cardiff, Wales in November of 2008.

~The McDonald’s Canada “Works For Me” campaign, 2009; Jessica’s Story

JM FreyVideos