Seeking Literary Agent
- Visit this page for more information
- To inquire about rights for one of my novels or screenplays, contact me here.
Voice Acting
- Visit this page for my Demo Reel
- Contact me for booking information
- I am Non-Union.
I am available to book through Mentorly.
Available Workshops and Lectures
I am available to teach workshops and classes. Below is a list of workshops that are already written and prepared. Each workshop comes with a Q&A session and a handout for participants. Workshop lengths may be altered at your request. If there is a topic would like me to speak on, feel free to shoot me an email to discuss it.
Appearance and travel fees may apply.
Additionally, I’m available for one-on-one sessions on Mentorly! Click here to book a session.
“I Did It, It’s Done, Now What?”
PowerPoint; approx 1.5 hour with 20-30min for Questions
So you’ve written a novel! Congratulations on finally typing “The End”!
Now what do you do with it? This presentation explains the common routes and methods of writing a query letter, signing with an agent, and publishing your book (both traditionally and through self publishing avenues). I will discuss some of the pros and cons, the common pitfalls, and what specific widely-used terminology means. An excellent presentation for people new to the publishing world.
“Worldbuilding through Culture”
PowerPoint; approx 1 hour of speaking, 1 hour of workshopping, with an additional 20-30min for Questions
Every memorable speculative fiction story has a world we wish we could live in – from Westeros to Middle Earth, from the USS Enterprise to Panem. The geography of your secondary world is key, but the culture and the way it influences your characters is even more important. This session will focus on the nitty gritty of the influence of culture, values, and hegemony on your societies, people, places, and plot. We encourage authors to bring their ideas for their own worlds and cultures to the table, as well as note-taking materials.
“Reading for Writers”
Participatory Workshop; approx 1 hour of speaking, 1 hour of workshopping, with an additional 20-30min for Questions
Hate reading from your book at launches and festivals? Worried you’re boring your audience? Using techniques commonly employed by professional performers and voice actors, this workshop is designed to help nervous and inexperienced writers read their own works in a way that is compelling, entertaining, and appropriate for the genre.
“Fanfiction as a Tool For Reading/Writing Comprehension”
Question and Answer Workshop; approx 40mins of speaking, with 20mins for Questions and Discussion
A presentation designed for students and their parents or teachers about how to use fanfiction and online blogging & writing platforms such as Raddish, Wattpad, Tumblr, Tapas, NaNoWriMo etc. as tools to encourage students to practice their reading and writing comprehension outside of the school environment, as well as methods to fold these forms of writing into your curriculum.
“Writing Believable SF/F Worlds”
60 min lecture with handout.
You’ve got a great idea for a story set in an alternate world, but you don’t know where to start. From maps to environment, from cultural taboos to levels of technology, from food, to clothes, to how marriage works, these are all things that you have to make up and keep consistent for your secondary world to be believable. This presentation will provide you with a handy checklist of things to consider when you’re creating a place for your story to happen.
Readings, Signings, and Q&As
Any desired length.
J.M. is available for school visits, public library/bookstore visits, conferences, and conventions. Where possible, it is preferred to have travel costs covered at minimum, and for the venue to be accessible.
Keynote Addresses
Any desired length.
Past topics have included “The Importance of the ‘What If’?” (Japan Exchange Teachers Programme, Pre-departure Orientation, July 2011), “Why International Exchanges Matter” (Fergus-Elora Rotary Club, June 2016), “Your Voice Is Valid” (Grant MacEwan University Student English Conference, February 2017).
Other Presentations
Any desired length.
I am happy to create a speech or workshop based on a topic of your choice, or on one of my Words for Writers articles.
Contact J.M. Frey for scheduling and further information.
Work With Me